全部作者:刘挺 汪亮兵 马国远
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:12
摘要: 在分析热虹吸管换热器换热效果影响因素的基础上,通过分析试验机组在商场空调系统实际应用环境中的运行数据,综合考虑室外新风温度大范围变化、不同倾斜角度对换热器温度效率的影响,得到了实际运行环境下机组的适宜工作模式。进一步利用PLC对机组倾斜调节机构进行控制设计,实现了样机在目标工作模式下的高效运行,运行效果良好。 关键词: 热虹吸管 热回收 工作模式 PLC Optimal operation mode of thermosyphon heat recovery units for shopping centers By Liu Ting★, Wang Liangbing, Ma Guoyuan and Zhou Feng Abstract By analysing the influencing factors of heat transfer efficiency of thermosyphon heat exchangers and the practical operating data of an experimental heat recovery unit used in a shopping center, and concerning about the influence of unit incline angle on the temperature efficiency of heat exchangers under a wide variable scope of outdoor air temperature, obtains an optimal operating mode of the unit. Further designs an incline angle regulation mechanism using a programmable logic controller (PLC) making the unit working at the optimal mode with a high efficiency. Keywords thermosyphon, heat recovery, operating mode, PLC ★ Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
关键词:热虹吸管 热回收 工作模式 PLC
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