文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:12
摘要: 以美国德州农工大学一图书馆节能改造为例,介绍了节能改造前该图书馆空调系统在控制上存在的问题、温湿度优化控制方案及节能效果。对该图书馆建筑的温湿度优化控制和节能技术的研究结果可供图书馆、博物馆、纪念馆等大型公共建筑的节能优化和有温湿度控制要求的其他建筑(如电子类工业建筑)的节能改造参考。 关键词: 图书馆 大型公共建筑 节能改造 温湿度控制 优化控制 Optimization of temperature and humidity control and energy efficiency in a library By Liu Chenggang★ Abstract Taking the recommissioning of Cushing Library in Texas A & M University as an example, presents the issues of the origional control system, optimized scheme of temperature and humidity control and energy saving effect. The results from this example can be used in recommissioning of large scale public buildings like libraries, museums and memoriam centers and provide a good reference of recommissioning for some other buildings like electronic industrial buildings which have temperature and humidity control demand. Keywords library, large scale public building, recommissioning, temperature and humidity control, optimized control ★ Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China
关键词:图书馆 大型公共建筑 节能改造
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