全部作者:郑 洁 詹武刚 崔文
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:10
摘要: 以某示范楼为研究对象,提出了一种节能的空调系统方案,该方案涉及一种新型除湿液再生装置,其技术特征是将冷凝热回收用于溶液再生。定义了温湿度独立控制溶液除湿空调系统总的冷源设备热力系数,并根据此系数判断空调系统是否节能。理论分析表明,利用高温冷水机组冷凝器产生的热量用于除湿液再生,其系统总的冷源设备热力系数可达到6.27,比传统空调系统的冷源设备热力系数提高了45.5%,节能潜力可观。 关键词: 冷凝热回收 热力系数 空调系统 节能 Discussion on a solution regeneration device using condensing heat recovery By Zheng Jie★, Zhan Wugang and Cui Wenying Abstract Taking a demonstrated building as an object, proposes an energy efficient air conditioning system scheme, which includes a new-type solution regeneration device using the condensing heat of air conditioner as heat source of solution regeneration. Defines the total chilled water equipment thermodynamic coefficient of independent temperature-humidity control and solution desiccant air conditioning systems, and uses it to judge the energy efficiency of the air conditioning system. Theoretical analysis results indicate that the total chilled water equipment thermodynamic coefficient of the system with the solution regeneration device can reach up to 6.27, which is 45.5 percent higher than that of conventional air conditioning system, with considerable energy saving potential. Keywords condensing heat recovery, thermodynamic coefficient, air conditioning system, energy saving ★ Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
关键词:冷凝热回收 热力系数 空调系统
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