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上传时间:2010-02-22 浏览量:96
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全部作者:吴锦京 卢纪富 曾章 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:1

摘要  对采用数码涡旋空气源热泵的直接地板辐射供暖系统的供暖性能进行了实验研究。分别测量了在连续和间歇运行模式下的室内温度、围护结构表面温度、地板表面温度和电能消耗量。引入操作温度的概念对两种运行模式下的热舒适性和能耗情况进行了分析比较。实验结果表明,连续供暖运行模式是一种理想的供暖运行模式,但其电能消耗量较大;对于一些特定住宅采用间歇供暖运行模式不仅能够较好地满足热舒适性要求,而且具有显著的节能效果。 关键词 空气源热泵 地板辐射供暖 运行模式 热舒适 节能 Experiment of operating modes for direct floor panel heating systems with air-source heat pumps By Wu Jinjing★, Lu Jifu, Zeng Zhangchuan, Wei Xinli, Chen Wanren and Wei Zongdi Abstract Studies the heating performance of the systems with digital scroll air-source heat pumps by experiment. Tests the indoor air temperature, surface temperature of building envelope, floor surface temperature and electric power consumption under continuous and intermittent operating modes. Analyses and compares the indoor thermal environment and energy consumption in the two modes by introducing the operative temperature. The result shows that the continuous operating mode can create an ideal thermal environment but with a larger amount of electric power consumption, while the intermittent operating mode can well satisfy the demand of the thermal comfort and reduce energy consumption remarkably for certain residences. Keywords air-source heat pump, floor panel heating, operating mode, thermal comfort, energy saving ★ Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China

关键词:空气源热泵 地板辐射供暖 运行模 

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吴锦京 卢纪富 曾章 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:空气源热泵 地板辐射供暖 运行模 


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