全部作者:管昌生 陈绪义
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:2
摘要 :分析了地源热泵换热器设计参数的随机影响因素。结合工程实例,在考虑总负荷及单位管长换热量变异系数的基础上,计算得到了具有一定系统可靠度的埋管管长,并讨论了设计参数变异性对管长计算结果的影响程度。 关键词 :随机特征,地源热泵,换热器,可靠性设计 Reliability design of GSHP exchangers considering parameter random characteristics By Guan Changsheng★ and Chen Xuyi Abstract :Analyses the random influence factors of design parameter of GSHP heat exchangers. Combined with an engineering example, considering the variability of the total load and the heat transfer rate unit pipe length, calculates and obtains the pipe length with certain reliability, and discusses the influence degree of design parameter variability on calculated pipe length. Keywords :random characteristic, GSHP, heat exchanger, reliability design ★Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
关键词:随机特征 地源热泵 换热器 可靠
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