文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:1996 期数:3
【英文篇名】 Class 100 clean tunnel with filter tube structure 【作者中文名】 李子麟; 【作者英文名】 By Li Zilin; 【作者单位】 上海医科大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, HV 管道式过滤结构; 测试分析; 【英文关键词】 Class 100 clean tunnel; filter tube; measurement; 【摘要】 一个17m2100级洁净通道,采用专利管道式终末及中效过滤结构,装在通道顶上的13台风机同时运转。在通道内离地1.2m平面上,测定39个点,每声、连续3次采样,整理得悬浮粒子总平均浓度:≥0.3μm0.49个/L,≥0.5μm0.13个/L,≥5μm0个/L。风机低速运转,平均风速0.62m/s,平均A声级噪声55dB。13台风机总配电机功率仅1.56kW。 【英文摘要】 Describes a Class 100 clean tunnel with an ares of 17square metres, incorporating patented fi iter tubes in its structure.The clean tunnel was messured with 39 measuring points positioned sta height of 1.2 m above the floor throughout the tunnel.The totalaverage concentration of the airborne particles acqui red throughprocessing the continuous sampl ing results are 0.49,0.13 and 0 L- 1 forthe particles greater than 0.3,0.5 and 5 μm in size respectively. Thetunnel proved to be of low enersy consumption as it...
关键词:通道 研制 结构 过滤 管道 qr
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