我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 设备开发


上传时间:2010-01-12 浏览量:57
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全部作者:王赞社 顾兆林 冯诗愚 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:12

摘要: 为了提高低品位热源驱动的小型溴化锂吸收式制冷机的整体运行效率,开发了一种既有传热又有水蒸气传质过程的中空纤维膜溶液换热器,以替代传统间壁式金属换热器。研究了该换热器应用于吸收式制冷系统的特性,结果表明,该换热器大大增加了冷热流体之间的接触面积,换热器热侧和冷侧的进出口温差都得到了提高,水蒸气由高温侧向低温侧的传质作用和潜热传递作用加剧了溶液之间的热量传递,浓溶液被进一步浓缩,稀溶液被进一步稀释。同时,发生器和吸收器的热负荷减小,系统的整体性能系数增大。 关键词: 溶液换热器 中空纤维膜 吸收式制冷 传质 Application of hollow fiber membrane solution heat exchanger to absorption refrigeration systems By Wang Zanshe★, Gu Zhaolin, Feng Shiyu and Hu Wei Abstract In order to improve the total COP of the small-sized LiBr absorption refrigeration machine driven by low grade heat energy, develops a novel hollow fiber membrane solution heat exchanger with both heat transfer and water vapor transfer process to replace the traditional dividing wall type metal heat exchanger. Studies the characteristics of the heat exchanger applied to the absorption refrigeration system. The results show that the heat exchanger can offer enormous contact area between high temperature solution from the generator and low temperature solution from the absorber, the temperature difference between inlet and outlet in both hot side and cold side is improved, water vapor transfer and latent heat transfer not only enhance the heat transfer effects, but also enlarge the deflation ratio of the system, the strong solution can be concentrated and the weak solution can be diluted further, and the heat load of generator and absorber can be reduced, and the COP of system will be improved. Keywords solution heat exchanger, hollow fiber membrane, absorption refrigeration, mass transfer

关键词:溶液换热器 中空纤维膜 吸收式制 

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王赞社 顾兆林 冯诗愚 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:溶液换热器 中空纤维膜 吸收式制 


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