我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 设备开发


上传时间:2010-01-14 浏览量:47
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全部作者:陈超 李志远 李志永 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:10

摘要: 利用搭建的简易开放式通风实验台,实验研究了所研制的一种具有自动捕风功能的通风装置的最小启动风速、反应时间等机械性能及通风性能。结合北京地区2008年1,2月室外风速、风向实测数据,得到了北京地区冬季65%以上的时间都可以利用这种自动捕风通风装置实现建筑房间的无动力或微动力通风换气,从而达到节能目的的综合评估结果。 关键词: 自动捕风通风装置 无动力通风 机械性能 通风性能 实验 Experimental research of an air catchers performance By Chen Chao★, Li Zhiyuan, Li Zhiyong and Huo Liaoran Abstract Studies the mechanical performance such as minimum start-up air speed, reaction time and ventilation performance of the catcher developed by the authors on the simple opening ventilation test-bed. Combined with the measured data of the wind speed and direction during the January and February 2008 in Beijing, obtains the integrated evaluation result that this air catcher can be used to realize the building ventilation without or with a little driving power more than 65% time in the winter of Beijing and achieve the aim of energy saving. Keywords air catcher, ventilation without power, mechanical performance, ventilation performance, experiment ★ Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China

关键词:自动捕风通风装置 无动力通风  

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陈超 李志远 李志永 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:自动捕风通风装置 无动力通风  


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