我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 设备开发


上传时间:2010-02-22 浏览量:299
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全部作者:陈二松 梁路军 路则 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:1

摘要 实验研究了空调箱均流板孔口参数和安放位置对均流效果的影响。结果表明,小尺寸均流板放置在靠近风机出风口的地方要比放置在远离风机出风口的地方的整流效果好,而对于大尺寸均流板则反之;面积稍大的均流板的均流效果要比面积小的均流板好,但是全截面均流板的均流效果并不理想。 关键词 空调箱 风机 均流板 气流均匀性 Experiment of airflow uniformity in diffusion section of air conditioning boxes By Chen Ersong★,Liang Lujun and Lu Zefeng Abstract Based on experimental programs, studies the influences of the orifice parameters and installed position of the rectifier on the uniformity effect. The results show that the smaller rectifier can achieve a better uniformity effect in the place closer to the fan outlet than that with longer distance, but for the larger rectifier the result is opposite. And it is shown that the larger rectifier obtains a better airflow uniformity than the smaller ones, while the uniformity effect of the rectifier taking up the full section of the air conditioning box is not as desirable as expected. Keywords air conditioning box, fan, rectifier, airflow uniformity ★ Nanjing TICA Air-conditioning Co., Ltd., Nanjing, China

关键词:空调箱 风机 均流板 气流均匀性 

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陈二松 梁路军 路则 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:空调箱 风机 均流板 气流均匀性 


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