全部作者:苏辉 方仲元 赵永顺
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:7
摘要 分析了常规型调温除湿机在地下工程中应用的局限性,介绍了分流节能型除湿机的工作原理,并分析了其应用范围。比较了两者的初投资与运行费用,得出分流节能型除湿机能有效降低工程建设投资与运行费用,维护管理方便。 关键词 分流 节能 除湿机 地下工程 Application of bypass-flow dehumidifier to underground projects By Su Hui, Fang Zhongyuan, Zhao Yongshun,Shao Qingwen and Yi Xinwen Abstract Analyses the limitation of the conventional dehumidifier applied to underground project, proscribes the working principle of the bypass-flow dehumidifier, and analyses the applicability. Compares the initial costs and operation expense of the two types of dehumidifier and concludes that the bypass-flow dehumidifier is more economical and is easy to be maintained. Keywords bypass-flow, energy saving, dehumidifier, underground project
关键词:分流 节能 除湿机 地下工程
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