我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 设备开发


上传时间:2010-08-30 浏览量:118
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全部作者:林忠平 肖小野 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:8

摘要 试验研究了风机过滤器单元(FFU)的结构组件,包括交流电动机与直流无刷电动机、二维与三维叶片风机、箱体结构等,对FFU空气动力性能、能耗以及出风均匀性的影响。结果表明,直流无刷电动机比交流电动机(调压控制)节能,且转速越低,节能越明显;二维叶片与三维叶片风机性能特点不同,分别适用于不同的场合;FFU出风均匀性与其箱体结构关系密切,出风静压箱大、出风面积大、出风口呈中心对称布置,都有利于出风均匀性的提高。 关键词 风机过滤单元 电动机 二维/三维叶片 出风均匀性 Preliminary study of fan-filter unit performance relating to the constituent components By Lin Zhongping and Xiao Xiaoye Abstract By experiments, studies the influence of AC motor versus brushless DC motor, 2D-blade fan versus 3D-blade fan and different structures on the performance of fan-filter unit (FFU) including aerodynamics, energy consumption and air velocity uniformity. The results show that an FFU equipped with brushless DC motor is more economical than that with AC motor, saving more energy when running at the lower speed conditions. An FFU equipped with 2D-blade fan has different performances from that with 3D-blade fan and they have different scopes of application. Air velocity uniformity of an FFU depends heavily on its structure, and a structure with larger plenum chamber and air outlet area and symmetry arrangement of air outlets contributes to improvement of air velocity uniformity. Keywords fan-filter unit (FFU), motor, 2D/3D blade, air velocity uniformity

关键词:风机过滤单元 电动机 二维/三维 

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林忠平 肖小野 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:风机过滤单元 电动机 二维/三维 


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