我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 专题研讨


上传时间:2010-08-30 浏览量:61
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全部作者:陈孚江 陈焕新 谢军 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:8

摘要 以某房间为研究对象,采用K-三维湍流模型模拟分析了夏季工况下3种上送下回方式(热壁侧送热壁侧排、热壁侧送冷壁侧排、冷壁侧送热壁侧排)下纤维空气分布系统渗透送风对室内热舒适性的影响。结果表明,室内空气速度受纤维空气分布系统布局方式的影响较小;异侧送排风时室内空气平均温度梯度小,人体舒适感强;在同等送风量情况下,冷壁侧送热壁侧排的送风方式能承担更大的负荷。 关键词 纤维空气分布系统 渗透送风 上送下回 舒适性 Effect of fabric air distribution system in penetration air supply mode on indoor comfort By Chen Fujiang, Chen Huanxin, Xie Junlong, Shu Zhaohui, Hu Yunpeng and Mao Jiani Abstract Taking one room as an object of study, employs the three-dimensional K- turbulent model to simulate and analyse the effect under the three upper side wall air?supply and lower side wall return air distributions with the fabric air distribution system in penetration mode (FADSP): FADSP mounted below the ceiling beside the heated wall with the floor?level exhaust opening on the same wall (case 1), FADSP mounted below the ceiling beside the heated wall with the floor?level exhaust opening on the opposite unheated wall (case 2), and FADSP mounted below the ceiling beside the unheated wall with the floor?level exhaust opening on the opposite heated wall (case 3). The results show that the influence of the layout of FADSP on indoor air velocity is less, and the air distributions of inlet opening and exhaust opening on the opposite walls can maintain indoor air with smaller temperature difference and with good comfort, and the air distribution of case 3 has the greater cooling capacity in the same air supply volume. Keywords fabric air distribution system, ventilation in penetration mode, upper side wall air-supply and lower side wall air return, comfort

关键词:纤维空气分布系统 渗透送风 上送 

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陈孚江 陈焕新 谢军 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:纤维空气分布系统 渗透送风 上送 


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