文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2006 期数:7
【英文篇名】 Dynamic simulation for a mixing water district heating system 【作者中文名】 李连众; 【作者英文名】 By Li Lianzhong★★Concordia University; Montreal; Canada; 【作者单位】 加拿大康克迪亚大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Journal of Heating Ventilating 混水; 动态模型; 控制策略; 仿真; 能耗分析; 【英文关键词】 district heating; mixing water; dynamic model; control strategy; simulation; energy consumption analysis; 【摘要】 建立了某区域供暖系统的动态模型,分析了系统的动态特性及散热损失、补水率、混水比、太阳辐射及室内得热量对室内温度的影响。模拟了四种不同控制策略下的室温动态变化过程。结果显示,回水温度控制策略不但能满足室温的要求,而且可获得9.7%的锅炉燃料节能效益。 【英文摘要】 Develops the non-linear dynamic model for a mixing water district heating system. Analyses dynamic characteristics of the system and the influences of pipe heat loss, ratio of makeup water, ratio of mixing water, solar radiation and internal heat gains on indoor air temperature. Simulates the dynamic responses of indoor air temperature under four control strategies. As a result, the indoor air temperature could be satisfied by regulating return water temperature, and energy savings of fuel could be obtained...
关键词:仿真 动态 系统 of water the
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