全部作者:康英姿 华 贲
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:1
摘要 分析了区域供冷系统二次管网的优化设计方法,建立了管径非连续变化的区域供冷系统二次管网的优化设计模型,并提出了求解方法。在对某区域供冷系统二次管网工程实例进行优化的基础上,进一步分析了传统设计与优化设计方法下二次管网经济性的差异。结果表明,优化设计方法通过权衡二次管网的初投资与二次泵的运行费用,使得二次管网在整个寿命周期内经济性较优;相对于经济流速分别取0.8,1.8,2.5m/s时假设流速法的计算结果,采用优化设计方法可分别节省寿命周期费用14.3%,16.2%,39.9%。 关键词 二次管网 优化设计 初投资 运行费用 Optimal design of secondary piping network in district cooling systems By Kang Yingzi★ and Hua Ben Abstract Analyses the optimal design method, develops the optimal design model of the secondary piping network, which covers the discontinuous change in pipe diameter, and presents the solving method. Based on optimization of an actual case, analyses the economic difference of conventional and optimal design method. It is concluded that the life cycle cost of secondary piping network can be reduced by optimal design via weighing the initial investment of the secondary piping network and the power consumption of secondary chilled water pumps. Comparing with the calculating results of conventional design method with economical flow velocity of 0.8, 1.8, 2.5m/s, optimal design method can save life cycle cost by 14.3%, 16.2%, 39.9% respectively. Keywords secondary piping network, optimal design, initial investment, operating cost ★ South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
关键词:二次管网 优化设计 初投资 运行
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