文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2006 期数:10
【英文篇名】 Application of water treatment technology to large and medium central air conditioning water systems 【作者中文名】 王晓夏; 【作者英文名】 By Xu Wei~ and Wang Xiaoxia Maoming College; Maoming; Guangdong Province; China; 【作者单位】 茂名学院; 广州地铁公司运营总部; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Heating Ventilating 结垢; 微生物繁殖; 化学加药水处理; 物理法水处理; 【英文关键词】 corrosion; deposit; microorganism reproduce; chemical dosing water treatment; physical water treatment; 【摘要】 忽视水质处理是目前空调系统运行管理中普遍存在的一个问题,其后果是设备及管道出现腐蚀、结垢和微生物繁殖,最终导致设备效率大幅下降,运行成本大幅上升,设备及管道提前报废。目前通用的水处理方法有物理方式以及化学加药方式,选用什么方式及产品来保持水质稳定是集中空调系统用户必须面临的问题。建议对于大中型集中空调系统优先选用化学加药水处理方式。 【英文摘要】 Neglecting water treatment is a serious problem that widely exists in operation of air conditioning systems.It results in corrosion,deposit and microorganism reproducing in equipment and pipes,which would lead to the drop of system efficiency and the increase of operation costs.It also makes equipments and pipes damage untimely.Physical treatment methods and chemical dosing treatment methods are generally used in water treatment.Selecting a suitable method and product to hold the quality of treated water is...
关键词:空调 系统 应用 集中 大中型
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