全部作者:马仲元 冀卫兴&n
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2008 期数:5
【英文篇名】 Energy saving analysis of the variable frequency circulating water pump in a hot water heating system 【作者中文名】 马仲元; 冀卫兴; 李德英; 【作者英文名】 Ma Zhongyuan Ji Weixing Li Deying Hebei Institute Architecture and Civil Engineering; Zhangjiakou; Hebei Province; China; 【作者单位】 河北建筑工程学院; 北京建筑工程学院; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Heating Ventilating 恒温差; 变频; 节能; 【英文关键词】 heating; constant temperature difference; variable frequency; energy saving; 【摘要】 针对目前供暖系统采用质调节和分阶段改变流量质调节的现状,提出在供热系统供回水恒温差工况下,使用变频循环水泵改变流量调节的方法,从理论上分析了该方法在节能方面的优势。 【英文摘要】 In view of the status of the current heating systems adopting qualitative operation and staged variable flow qualitative operation,puts forward the adjustment method of adopting variable frequency circulating pump to regulate the flow rate under the condition of constant temperature difference between supply water and return water,and theoretically analyses the energy saving advantages of the method.
关键词:节能 分析 循环 系统 热水 the
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