全部作者:张春蕾 肖晓劲 丁琦
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:12
关键词: 间接供热 节能 高温运行 大温差 一次管网 摘要: 实际调研了北京市9个典型的间接供热系统一次网锅炉运行现状。结合实例计算比较了高温运行和低温运行的供热系统一次管网的管道散热损失、管道投资、水泵耗能等,得出了锅炉一次管网在高温大温差运行时对供热节能更有利的结论。 Influence of boiler operation in high temperature and large temperature difference on heating energy consumption By Zhang Chunlei★, Xiao Xiaojin, Ding Qi and Zhang Lanshuang Abstract Surveys the current practical operation conditions of the boilers of the primary circuits in nine typical indirect heating systems in Beijing. With an example calculation, compares the pipeline heat loss, pipeline cost and pump energy consumption of the primary circuit between high temperature operation system and low temperature operation system, and obtains that boiler operating in high temperature and large temperature difference is more favorable for heating energy saving. Keywords indirect heating, energy saving, operating in high temperature, large temperature difference, primary circuit ★ Beijing Kingfore HV & Energy Conservation Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing, China
关键词:间接供热 节能 高温运行 大温差
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