全部作者:黄长山 吴晋英 刘荣
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:11
摘要: 测试了冷却水电导率不同时金属铁的腐蚀速率,得到了冷却水电导率与金属铁腐蚀速率的关系。认为根据电导率的变化情况采取相应措施,可以减少金属铁的腐蚀,确保冷却水管道及设备的安全稳定运行。 关键词: 集中空调 冷却水 电导率 腐蚀 Research of relation between air conditioning cooling water conductivity and iron corrosion velocity By Huang Changshan★, Wu Jinying, Liu Rongjiang, Li Hemin and Li Hongxi Abstract Tests the corrosion velocity of iron under different conductivities of circulating cooling water and obtains the relation between the air conditioning cooling water conductivity and the iron corrosion velocity. Considers that taking corresponding measures according to the conductivity change situation can slow down the corrosion of iron, and ensure safe and steady operation of cooling water pipe and equipment. Keywords central air conditioning, cooling water, conductivity, corrosion
关键词:集中空调 冷却水 电导率 腐蚀
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