全部作者:李安桂 姚灵芝 侯娟
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:3
摘要 对陕西历史博物馆集中通风空调机组设备的积尘伴生微生物和空气微生物进行了实测。分析结果表明,机组粗效过滤器对微生物的去除效果,细菌优于真菌;空气处理机组内部本身有真菌滋生,真菌浓度最大时达到200.3 cfu/皿,系统微生物污染可导致送风空气质量的下降;微生物浓度与相对湿度具有显著的正相关性;空调机组的真菌优势菌属是青霉属、曲霉属和枝孢霉属。 关键词 微生物 空调系统 温度 相对湿度 Field test and analysis of microbial contamination in central air conditioning systems By Li Angui★, Yao Lingzhi, Hou Juanjuan, Wang Qingqin and Li Ming Abstract Performs the detailed test in Shaanxi History Museum. The results indicate that the bacteria removing efficiency of the roughing filter is higher than the fungi; and that there are fungi growth in the air conditioning system with the maximum fungi concentration up to 200?3 cfu/piece, microbial contamination in systems results in poor indoor air quality. Finds that a positive linear correlation between microbial concentration and relative humidity is obvious; the dominant fungi is Penicillium, Aspergillus and Cladosporium. Keywords microbe, air conditioning system, temperature, relative humidity ★ Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian, China
关键词:微生物 空调系统 温度 相对湿度
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