全部作者:符永正 吴克启 蔡亚桥
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2005 期数:9
【英文篇名】 Energy consumption of valves in conventional water systems and construction and application of separate power systems 【作者中文名】 符永正; 吴克启; 蔡亚桥; 【作者英文名】 Fu Yongzheng; Wu Keqi and Cai YaqiaoWuhan University of Science Wuhan; China; 【作者单位】 武汉科技大学; 华中科技大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 动力分散系统; 调节阀; 能耗; 【英文关键词】 central power system; separate power system; regulation valve; energy consumption; 【摘要】 以热水供暖系统为例,分析了常规水系统———动力集中系统在设计工况和调节工况下的调节阀能耗,发现动力集中系统中阀门能耗占总能耗的比例较大,有较大的节能潜力。简要介绍了动力分散系统的结构和应用。 【英文摘要】 Based on the hot water heating systems, analyses the energy consumption of valves in central power systems under design conditions and adjusting conditions. Finds that the energy consumption of valves has a large proportion in total energy consumption and the central power system has a large energy saving potential. Outlines the construction and application of separate power systems.
关键词:系统 结构 应用 分散 阀门 常规
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