文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2003 期数:1
北京东环广场写字楼的多分区空调设计的探讨 【英文篇名】 Discussion of the multizone air conditioning system design of office towers in Beijing East Gate Plaza 【作者中文名】 汪善国; 【作者英文名】 By Shan K. Wang ★; 【作者单位】 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 风机盘管加新风; 变风量; 多分区空调系统; 【英文关键词】 office building; fan-coil unit plus fresh air; variable air volume; multizone air conditioning system; 【摘要】 对比了中美办公楼空调系统选用上的差别及近年来的发展趋势 ,详细分析了风机盘管加新风空调系统与多分区集中空调系统两者的优点与缺点 ,认为对参数控制要求较高、每个风系统有 5个以上分区者 ,宜考虑选用变风量集中空调系统 ,而对每个风系统仅有 3个以下分区的开敞式建筑 ,如受造价制约 ,亦可选用多分区集中空调系统。 【英文摘要】 Compares the differences and trends in adopting air conditioning systems in China and the U.S., discusses in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the fan-coil unit plus fresh air system and the multizone system. Holds that the VAV central air conditioning system is preferable for stricter control requirements and each air system involving no less than five subzones while the multizone system is adoptable in an open building with the air system each involving up to three subzones and the VAV equipment ...
关键词:设计 探讨 空调 分区 广场 the
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