全部作者:裴清清 周智明 陈煜健
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:7
【英文篇名】 Experimental study on a fan-coil unit running in dry conditions 【下载频次】 ☆ 【作者】 裴清清; 周智明; 陈煜健; 许贵泉; 【英文作者】 Pei Qingqing; Zhou Zhiming; Chen Yujian and Xu Guiquan Guangzhou University; Guangzhou; China; 【作者单位】 广州大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调 , Heating Ventilating nbsp; 期刊荣誉:中文核心期刊要目总览 ASPT来源刊 中国期刊方阵 CJFD收录刊 【中文关键词】 风机盘管机组; 干工况; 供水温度; 送风量; 供冷量; 【英文关键词】 fan-coil unit; dry condition; supply water temperature; supply air rate; cooling capacity; 【摘要】 采用焓差法对某风机盘管机组在供水温度为14~18℃、供回水温差为3℃的条件下进行了实验,研究了露点温度附近干、湿工况分界区域的性能。实验结果表明,被测机组的供冷量随供水温度升高而迅速下降,随送风量减少而下降。干工况风机盘管机组的最佳供水温度为17℃,宜采用高挡风量运行。风机盘管干工况运行供冷量比标准工况下降2/3。 【英文摘要】 With the air enthalpy difference method,tests a fan-coil unit running in the conditions where the supply water temperature is 14 to 18 ℃,the temperature difference is 3 ℃,and studies the critical point from dry to wet conditions. The results show that cooling capacity of the unit drops dramatically as the supply water temperature rises,and also drops as the supply air rate decreases. For the fan-coil unit running in dry condition,the most suitable supply water temperature is 17 ℃,and it is better to run at ...
关键词:风机盘管机组 干工况 供水温度
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