全部作者:杨 华 任清耀 刘灵
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:10
摘要: 针对目前国内公路收费亭内污染严重、空气质量差的特点,研究提出了采用个性化送新风至人员呼吸区以有效改善亭内工作环境的具体措施和方案。以NO2作为实际多组分污染物的典型代表,运用Airpak软件模拟分析了不同送风方向和送风量下收费亭内及窗口处的污染物分布情况,给出了送风方向、送风量与NO2浓度的关系。 关键词 :个性化通风 收费亭 污染物 浓度 送风方向 送风量 Numerical simulation on suppression effect of pollutants by personalized ventilation in tollbooths By Yang Hua★, Ren Qingyao, Liu Lingzhi and Qi Chengying Abstract In view of the serious pollution and the poor air quality in the tollbooth, suggests using personalized ventilation system to improve the working environment. Taking NO2 as a representation of pollutants, simulates and analyses the concentration of NO2 in the tollbooth and at the window under different air-supply directions or air-supply volumes with Airpak software, and gives the relationships between air-supply direction or air-supply volume and concentration of NO2. Keywords personalized ventilation, tollbooth, pollutant, concentration, air-supply direction, air-supply volume ★ Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China
关键词:个性化通风 收费亭 污染物 浓度
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