全部作者:王志国 张雪莲 杨文
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:1
摘要 利用最优化原理,考虑热力管道的单位长度能量损失费用和投资年分摊费用,推导出了能损经济厚度计算式。利用经济学的原理,考虑热力管道的单位长度损失费用和投资年分摊费用,推导出了损经济厚度计算式。进行了实际计算和对比分析。同时给出了平面保温设计的损经济厚度计算式。 关键词 热力管道 保温 经济厚度 能损 损 Determination of pipeline insulating layer thickness based on thermoeconomics By Wang Zhiguo★, Zhang Xuelian, Yang Wenzhe, Liu Xiaoyan, Wang Zhujun and Xiang Xinyao Abstract Based on the principle of optimization with consideration of the energy loss cost per unit length of heat-supply pipeline and the annual investment apportioned cost, induces the formula for calculating the economical insulating layer thickness of energy loss. Based on the principle of exergoeconomics and the exergy loss cost per unit length of the pipeline and the annual investment apportioned cost, induces the formula for determining the economical insulating layer thickness of exergy loss. Performs calculation and analyses for practical pipelines. Provides the formula of economical insulating layer thickness of exergy loss for plane insulation design. Keywords thermal pipeline, insulation, economic thickness, energy loss, exergy loss ★ Daqing Petroleum Institute, Daqing, Heilongjiang Province, China
关键词:热力管道 保温 经济厚度 能损 损
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