我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 专题研讨


上传时间:2010-02-22 浏览量:502
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全部作者:邱少辉 李安桂 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:1

摘要 提出了一种介于混合通风、置换通风之间的新型通风模式条缝型送风口形成的竖壁贴附射流。利用2DPIV研究了该模式下射流送风速度对气流流场的影响,并对极限贴附距离进行了探讨。研究表明,射流送风速度越大,形成的贴附射流距离越长,贴附效果越显著;同时,送风速度越大,射流对周围空气的卷吸能力越强,射流影响区域越大;射流送风速度的改变对极限贴附距离的影响不明显。 关键词 竖壁贴附射流 条缝型送风口 送风速度 附壁效应 极限贴附距离 Downward directed vertical wall jet formed by slot inlet: impact of air velocity By Qiu Shaohui★ and Li Angui Abstract Proposes a novel ventilation mode between mix and displacement ventilation, which is downward directed vertical wall jet from slot inlet. Using 2DPIV, studies the impact of jet air velocity on the airflow, and discusses the attached distance limit. It indicates that the higher of jet air velocity is, the longer of attached distance formed is, and the stronger of Coanda effect is. At the mean time, the higher of air velocity is, the stronger the power of entraining surrounding air of the jet is, and the wider surrounding effected area is. The impact of change of jet air velocity on the attached distance limit is not obvious. Keywords downward directed vertical wall jet, slot inlet, air velocity, Coanda effect, attached distance limit ★ Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian, China

关键词:竖壁贴附射流 条缝型送风口 送风 

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邱少辉 李安桂 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:竖壁贴附射流 条缝型送风口 送风 


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