全部作者:付 腾 唐中华 唐易
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:3
摘要: 以CO2为示踪气体,采用干冰和人体呼吸产生CO2两种方法,在不同换气次数条件下测定了CO2浓度变化规律,建立了室内CO2浓度预测模型。由此得到存在门窗缝隙渗风时,室内人员处在正常工作状态下的室内外CO2浓度差与换气次数的函数关系,从而可算出最小换气次数。由实验可知,自然渗风时无人房间CO2浓度呈指数衰减;满足室内空气质量要求与节能要求的最小新风量为35 m3/(人h)。 关键词 :换气次数 CO2浓度 通风 预测模型 Measurement and prediction model of CO2 concentration in ventilation conditions By Fu Teng★, Tang Zhonghua and Tang Yida Abstract Taking CO2 generated from dry ice and human breath as the tracer gas, measures changing patterns of the CO2 concentration for different air changes and establishes the prediction model of indoor CO2 concentration. Wherefrom obtains the relationship of the CO2 concentration difference between indoor and outdoor and air changes when occupants are in a normal working state and there exists air infiltration through the gaps of doors and windows, by which the minimal air changes can be obtained. The experimental results show that when considering the air infiltration, the concentration decays exponentially in a non-occupied room, and the minimal fresh air volume is 35 m3 per person per hour for meeting the requirements of indoor air quality and energy saving. Keywords air changes, CO2 concentration, ventilation, prediction model ★ Yibin Vocational and Technical College, Yibin, Sichuan Province, China
关键词:换气次数 CO2浓度 通风 预测模型
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