我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 专题研讨


上传时间:2010-04-21 浏览量:96
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全部作者:曲凯阳 胡德祥 王连 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:4

摘要 提出了一种空调冷却水系统最优节能控制策略。这种控制策略要求在系统调试过程中确定各种外界条件下最小能耗工况的水泵和风机的频率,在系统运行过程中,直接根据外界条件将水泵和风机的频率调到这个频率。介绍了在系统调试过程或运行过程中确定最小能耗工况下水泵和风机频率的方法。 关键词 冷却水系统 节能 最小能耗工况 水泵 风机 频率 Optimal energy saving control strategy for cooling water system in air conditioning systems By Qu Kaiyang, Hu Dexiang, Wang Lianji and L Fenghai Abstract Presents an optimal energy saving control strategy for the cooling water system. The strategy requires to determine the frequencies of cooling water pumps and cooling tower fans with the lowest energy consumption operating mode under certain external conditions during the commissioning process. In the practical running process, the frequencies of the pumps and fans will be set to the values directly according to the external conditions. Presents the method for determining the frequencies of the pumps and fans with the lowest energy consumption modes in the commissioning or running process. Keywords cooling water system, energy saving, lowest energy consumption operating mode, water pump, fan, frequency

关键词:冷却水系统 节能 最小能耗工况 

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曲凯阳 胡德祥 王连 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:冷却水系统 节能 最小能耗工况 


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