全部作者:李帆 尹潇 管延文 奉
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2007 期数:4
家用天然气燃料电池在暖通空调中的应用【英文篇名】 Application of domestic natural gas fuel cell to HVAC systems 【作者中文名】 李帆; 尹潇; 管延文; 奉毅; 【作者英文名】 Li Fan; Yin Xiao; Guan Yanwen and Feng YiHuazhong University of Science and Technology; Wuhan; China; 【作者单位】 华中科技大学; 中国市政工程西南设计研究院; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Heating Ventilating 供暖; 天然气; 燃料重整制氢; 【英文关键词】 fuel cell; heating; natural gas; fuel reforming for hydrogen production; 【摘要】 介绍了家用天然气燃料电池的概念和基本原理,其最大优点在于高效率和环保性,其能源综合效率达到80%。计算显示,与火力发电比较,一次能源的消费量削减21%,温室气体CO2排放量削减27%,大气污染物质NOx排放量削减66%。分析了家用燃料电池实用化过程中面临的成本、效率、耐久性等问题,提出了发展我国家用燃料电池的构想。 【英文摘要】 Presents the conception and basic principle of the domestic natural gas fuel cell. The prominent virtues of this cell are high efficiency and environment friendliness, and the integrative efficiency of its energy utilization can be up to 80%. Compared with fuel power generation, the consumption of primary energy is reduced by 21%, the emission amount of CO_2 is reduced by 27%, and NO_x by 66%. Analyses the problems of the investment, efficiency and endurance of using the domestic gas fuel cell in practice. ...
关键词:空调 应用 电池 天然气 燃料 of
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