我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 专业论坛


上传时间:2010-01-12 浏览量:73
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全部作者:姚 健 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:10

摘要 :以宁波为例,使用DeST-h建立了一幢宁波地区节能50%的典型居住建筑模型,并将其定义为基准住宅。分析了基准住宅的围护结构能耗比例及节能潜力,并研究了宁波地区居住建筑节能65%的实现途径。结果表明,在节能50%基础上,再节能30%,可通过围护结构保温隔热性能的改善和供暖空调能效比的提高来实现,两者所占的节能份额约各一半。 关键词 :建筑节能 65% 围护结构 DeST-h Residential building for energy saving by 65%: a case study of Ningbo By Yao Jian★ Abstract Takes Ningbo as an example, using DeST-h creates a model for typical local residential buildings with energy saving by 50%, and defines it as a base residential building. Analyses the energy consumption share of the envelope and energy saving potential of the base residential building, and studies the approach to energy saving by 65% for residential building in this area. The results show that further energy saving by 30%, which is based on the 50%, can be reached by improving heat insulation of residential envelopes and energy efficiency ratio of heating and air conditioning equipment, and each of the measures takes about the same proportion. Keywords building energy saving, 65%, building envelope, DeST-h ★ Ningbo University, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China

关键词:建筑节能 65% 围护结构 DeST-h 

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姚 健 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:建筑节能 65% 围护结构 DeST-h 


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