全部作者:齐先达 李东平
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:2
摘要: 热量表的流量传感器和回水温度传感器的安装位置不同,热量表计量出来的热量也不同;另外,在制定热价时考虑了一部分补水耗热量。综合考虑这些因素,推导出了相应安装形式和补水率下的热源结算热量公式。 关键词 :热量表,安装位置,热价,结算热量公式 Calculation method of heat quantity settlement for heat sources By Fang Xiumu★, Qi Xianda and Li Dongping Abstract: The heat quantity calculated based on the different installation positions of flow sensor and return water temperature sensor in heat meters is different. And the heat consumption of makeup water heating is considered in heat pricing. Considering the two factors, deduces the formulas of heat quantity settlement in corresponding installation methods and water makeup rates. Keywords :heat meter, installation position, heat price, formula for heat quantity settlement ★Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
关键词:热量表 安装位置 热价 结算热量
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