全部作者:宋应乾 龙惟定
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:2
摘要 :借鉴马斯洛需求层次理论,将住宅空调的消费需求划分为基本的生理健康需求、舒适的生活条件需求、奢华的享受需求三类,分析了对应三类人群的特征、空调使用目的、节能潜力及存在的关键问题,并介绍了建议采取的态度和措施。 关键词 :住宅空调,需求层次,节能 Need hierarchy analysis of energy saving for residential air conditioning By Song Yingqian★ and Long Weiding Abstract :Referring to Maslow?s theory ofhierarchy of need, divides the consumer need of residential air conditioning into three types: the basic physical health need, the comfortable living condition need and the luxury enjoyment need, analyses the characteristics of their respective populations, the purpose of air conditioning use, energy saving potential and the existed key issues, and recommends the attitude and measures that should be taken. Keywords :residential air conditioning, hierarchy of need, energy saving ★Tongji University, Shanghai, China
关键词:住宅空调 需求层次 节能
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