全部作者:那 恺
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:3
摘要 :针对原文作者当室内温度一定时,空调系统能耗随着房间相对湿度的减小而减小的观点,举例说明二者之间并没有必然关系。认为当新风量变化时,空调系统能耗可能随着房间相对湿度的减小而增大、减小或保持不变。 关键词 :相对湿度 空调系统能耗 分析 比较 Discussion on a viewpoint in Identification of air conditioning energy conservation technologies and measures(1):misconceive of26 ℃ air conditioning energy conservation motion By Na Kai★ Abstract Questions the viewpoint in the original article when the indoor temperature is constant, the air conditioning energy consumption decreases as indoor relative humidity decreases by illustrating that the relationship does not necessarily exist. States that the air conditioning energy consumption may increases, decreases or keeps constant as indoor relative humidity decreases when the fresh air requirement changes. Keywords relative humidity,air conditioning system energy consumption,analysis, comparison ★ China Electrics Engineering Design Institute, Beijing, China
关键词:相对湿度 空调系统能耗 分析 比
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