全部作者:贾 晶 赵锡晶 李杰
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:3
摘要 :提出用IPLV/NPLV值评估冷水机组全年能耗在工程应用中存在4方面局限,即IPLV/NPLV计算法则未考虑机组负荷百分比的权重对单台机组全年能耗的影响,不适用于多台冷水机组系统,不能反映多机头机组的真实能效特性,因各地区气象条件不同而不能直接应用于实际项目。认为在工程中应正确理解和应用IPLV/NPLV指标。 关键词 :冷水机组 全年能耗 IPLV NPLV Limitation of estimating the annual energy consumption of water chiller units by IPLV/NPLV By Jia Jing★,Zhao Xijing and Li Jie Abstract Considers that there are four limitations in such estimating in engineering applications: the IPLV / NPLV algorithm ignores the impact of the weight of chiller load upon a single chiller annual energy consumption, is not applicable to multiple chiller systems, can not reflect the true energy efficiency characteristics of multi-head chiller, and can not be applied directly to actual projects due to variant weather conditions in different regions. IPLV/NPLV algorithm should be correctly understood and used in engineering. Keywords chiller,annual energy consumption,IPLV,NPLV ★ Trane, Shanghai, China
关键词:冷水机组 全年能耗 IPLV NPLV
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