文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2000 期数:3
美国的医院标准和手术室设计 【英文篇名】 Hospital standard and operating room design in the United States 【作者中文名】 沈晋明; 【作者英文名】 By Shen Jinming; 【作者单位】 同济大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, HV 医院通风空调; 标准; 设计; 【英文关键词】 air cleaning technology; hospital ventilation and air conditioning; standard; design; 【摘要】 美国思路强调以手术室细菌控制的综合措施减少感染风险 ,不片面强调净化级别 ;认为净化只是一种手段 ,无菌程度才是其控制目的和结果的体现 ;强调以经济有效的方法实施手术室洁净送风系统 ,既然单向流设施不能证明可以有效地降低术后感染率 ,就不宜推广。美国的标准和丰富实践基于其特定的国情 ,许多地方值得我国医院洁净手术室建设和改造借鉴 【英文摘要】 According to the American thinking, the bacteria in an operating department should be controlled by a comprehensive method to reduce the potential infection risk, rather than merely by air cleaning which is only a means to attain a high aseptic degree; the cleaning air supply system should be implemented economically and efficiently; the laminar air flow should not be selected for producing little reduction in the post surgical infection rate. The American standards and practice is based on their particula...
关键词:设计 手术 标准 医院 the air
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