我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 综合文章


上传时间:2010-01-15 浏览量:54
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全部作者:喻伟 李百战 李楠 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:11

摘要: 结合重庆地区典型气象年的气象参数,分析了重庆地区居住建筑室内热环境的舒适现状;基于该地区的气象特征,研究了各种建筑节能技术的适用性,得出了重庆地区建筑室内热环境的节能调控策略;实测数据在一定程度上证明了所提出的节能调控策略的有效性和科学性。基于典型气象参数的建筑室内热环境的节能调控策略的提出,有利于建筑的热工设计和寻求设备的经济运行方式。 关键词: 室内热环境 建筑节能 住宅 调控策略 Analysis of energy efficiency control strategies for indoor thermal environment of residential buildings in Chongqing By Yu Wei★, Li Baizhan, Li Nan, Liu Meng and Yao Runming Abstract With the typical meteorological parameters, analyses the comfort status of indoor thermal environment of residential buildings in Chongqing. Based on the local meteorological characteristics, studies the practicability of various building energy efficiency technologies, acquires the energy efficiency control strategies of building indoor thermal environment and proves their effectiveness and rationality using the measured data. The energy efficiency control strategies of building indoor thermal environment based on the typical meteorological parameters is conducive to the building thermal design and in seeking the economic operation modes of equipment. Keywords indoor thermal environment, building energy efficiency, residential building, control strategy ★Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

关键词:室内热环境 建筑节能 住宅 调控 

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喻伟 李百战 李楠 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:室内热环境 建筑节能 住宅 调控 


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