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上传时间:2010-03-08 浏览量:338
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文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:2

摘要 :编制过程中,将原《全国通用通风管道计算表》中钢板风管、除尘风管、气密性风管的主要数据,经计算并测试校核后进行精简列入新编内容,同时增加了螺旋风管、水硬性无机玻璃钢风管、氯氧镁水泥风管、玻纤风管、酚醛风管、聚氨酯复合风管等的计算图表。误差分析表明,比摩阻的绝对误差为0.067 Pa/m,相对误差为2.54%。 关键词 :非金属风管,多种风管类型,摩擦阻力通风空调管道,计算图表 Data test and analysis of the Calculating charts for frictional resistance of ventilation ducts By Luo Jijie★ and Hu Songtao Abstract :During recompiling process, main data as steel air ducts, dust removal air ducts, airtight air ducts in the original National ventilating duct calculating chart are included after calculation and verification by tests and simplification. Meanwhile, the calculation charts for spiral ducts, hydraulic inorganic glass reinforced plastic air ducts, magnesium oxychloride cement air ducts, glass?fiber air ducts, phenolic air ducts, polyurethane composite air ducts, etc are added. The error analysis shows that the absolute error of the specific frictional resistance is 0.067 Pa per meter, and the relative error is 2.54%. Keywords:non-metal air duct, multi?type air duct, frictional resistance, ventilation and air conditioning duct, calculation chart ★Design Research Institute of Air Force Engineering, Beijing, China

关键词:非金属风管 多种风管类型 摩擦阻 

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