全部作者:牛福新 倪 龙 姚
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:6
摘要 通过对我国既有建筑能耗现状及节能潜力的分析,提出在不改变既有建筑冷源原有冷水机组的前提下,将冷源改造成蓄冷空调系统,以缓解用电峰谷差大的问题。建立了系统改造优化设计的数学模型以寻找改造后经济最优的蓄冷率。并结合实例,应用模型找到了最佳改造方案,验证了系统改造的经济性及可行性。 关键词 既有建筑 节能改造 蓄冷 经济性分析 Economic optimization of energy efficiency reconstruction of cool storage air conditioning for existing buildings By Niu Fuxin, Ni Long, Yao Yang and Ma Zuiliang Abstract Analyses the energy consumption and energy efficiency potential of existing buildings in China. To alleviate the electricity peak-valley difference, proposes transforming the cold source into that with cool storage without changing the water chiller for the existing buildings. Establishes the optimal design mathematical model to find the most economic cool storage rate, obtains the best transformation plan for an example building with the model, and verifies its economical efficiency and feasibility. Keywords existing building, energy efficiency reconstruction, cool storage, economic analysis
关键词:暖通空调论文 既有建筑 节能改造
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