全部作者:杨 光 胡仰耆 郑乐
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:6
摘要 通过分析盘管式蓄冰系统内、外融冰方式的技术特点,总结了两者在系统流程、设备要求、控制策略、适用场合等方面的差别,研究了冰盘管式蓄冰系统的技术规律。 关键词 盘管式蓄冰系统 外融冰 内融冰 技术运用 差别 Analysis of differences between internal-melt and external-melt types of ice-on-coil thermal storage system technology in application By Yang Guang, Hu Yangqi and Zheng Lexiao Abstract By comparing and analysing the technical features of the two modes, summarizes their distinctions in aspects of system flow, equipment requirements, control strategies and application conditions, and studies the technical application principles of ice-on-coil storage system. Keywords ice-on-coil thermal storage system,external melt,internal melt,technical application,distinction
关键词:暖通空调论文 盘管式蓄冰系统 外
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