全部作者:宋孝春 李 娟 夏树
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:6
摘要 介绍了亚龙湾旅游度假区星级酒店群用区域制冷站的系统设计。从制冷负荷的调研、设计日负荷率的统计研究、注重用户端制冷机的寿命周期、合理选配设备容量和台数、分期投入、降低初期成本、提升回报率等方面作出了尝试。 关键词 区域供冷 外融冰 系统设计 节能示范 分期建设 Design of Yalongwan district cooling system By Song Xiaochun, Li Juan, Xia Shuwei, Zhuang Jing and Tang Xuezong Abstract Presents the design of the district cooling system serving the star hotels in Yalongwan tourist holiday resort. Performs a preliminary research in investigation of the cooling load, statistical analyses of the design day load ratio, emphases on the life cycle period of the refrigerating units in users ends, proper selection of the capacity and number of the equipment, construction by stages, and reducing the initial cost for improving the repaying ratio. Keywords district cooling, external melt ice, system design, demonstration of energy efficiency, construction by stages
关键词:暖通空调论文 区域供冷 外融冰
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