我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 综合文章


上传时间:2010-07-21 浏览量:42
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全部作者:邓保顺 李德辉 冯炼 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:7

摘要 采用一维和三维相结合的数值模拟方法,分析了屏蔽门上设置可控风口的节能型屏蔽门系统的速度场和温度场,并对车站的换气量进行了校核。分析结果表明,车站站台、站厅的速度和温度都在乘客可以接受的范围内,换气次数能够满足地铁规范要求;采用这种节能型屏蔽门在过渡季能够满足乘客的舒适性要求,具有较好的节能效果,在降低车站能耗方面有实际的运用价值,可供地铁车站环控设计参考。 关键词 节能 屏蔽门 可控风口 数值模拟 地铁 Numerical simulation analysis of platform screen door systems By Deng Baoshun, Li Dehui, Feng Lian and Li Peng Abstract By means of combined one dimensional and three dimensional numerical simulation methods, analyses the air distribution and temperature field and checks the ventilation rate of the screen door system with controllable vents. The results show that the air velocity and temperature are acceptable for the passengers and the air changes can meet the requirement of underground railway specification; and that this energy saving platform screen door system can meet the comfort requirements of the passengers and has better effects in reducing energy consumption in transitional seasons, providing a reference for the environmental control design of underground railway stations. Keywords energy saving, platform screen door, controllable vent, numerical simulation, underground railway

关键词:节能 屏蔽门 可控风口 数值模拟 

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邓保顺 李德辉 冯炼 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:节能 屏蔽门 可控风口 数值模拟 


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