全部作者:祝书丰 郭永聪 刘芳
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:8
摘要 介绍了深圳市大型公共建筑能耗监测系统的运行维护情况,对监测数据进行了分析。一方面,总结了监测系统运行维护工作量大的原因,提出了相应的解决措施;另一方面,通过分析典型办公建筑能耗监测数据,提出了建筑在设备选型、用能管理、用户行为等方面的改进意见。为大型公共建筑能耗监测系统的运行维护和数据分析提供借鉴。 关键词 公共建筑 能耗 监测 运行维护 节能诊断 Operation maintenance and case study on energy monitoring system of large public building in Shenzhen By Zhu Shufeng,Guo Yongcong and Liu Fang Abstract Presents the building energy monitoring system operation maintenance and analyses the data. Analyses the cause of heavy workload of the monitoring system and puts forward corresponding solutions, and presents the improving suggestions on the equipment selection, energy management, user behaviors, etc, providing references for similar systems. Keywords public building, energy consumption, monitoring, operation and maintenance, energy?saving diagnosis
关键词:公共建筑 能耗 监测 运行维护 节
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