【中文摘要】 通过与传统散热器对流供暖方式的对比,简要分析了低温热水地暖供暖方式舒适度高、节能、整洁、利于装饰等优点,以及适用环境要求高、设计精密,施工程序繁杂、不易维修等缺点,并根据这些缺点的产生原因,结合现实施工实践,对施工过程中的施工纪律,管件操作,水压试验的注水、施压、排水等施工注意事项给出了具体的建议。 【英文摘要】 Convection heating radiators were compared with the traditional heating ways,the advantages of the low-temperature hot water heating methods were analyzed as well as the disadvantages. Based on these causes,combined with the reality of construction practice,attention issues about the construction discipline,tube operation and hydraulic pressure test were pointed out,and specific proposals were put forward. 【中文关键词】 低温热水地暖; 优点; 缺点; 施工注意事项 【英文关键词】 low temperature hot water floor radiant heating; advantages; disadvantages; construction attention issues
关键词:低温热水地暖 优点 缺点 施工
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