全部作者:王登甲 刘艳峰
【中文摘要】 文中通过对太阳能采暖蓄热水箱多节点模型分析研究,建立蓄热水箱模型,利用CFD软件对蓄热水箱内温度分层情况分各种工况进行模拟分析,分析结果表明:蓄热水箱进出水管流速越小,水箱内温度分层越明显,给出推荐最佳流速应在0.01~0.05 m/s范围内,且可通过在进水管端处设置渐扩装置来保证流速取到最佳流速;蓄热水箱采暖供水管的位置建议至少应在2/3水箱高度以上,具体位置应根据采暖用户供水温度的要求而将管段设置在要求的温度范围对应的水箱高度处。 【英文摘要】 Based on the analysis of the nodal model of heat storage tank for solar heating system,a nodal model of heat storage tank was simulated in different conditions with the help of CFD.It is found that the lower the water velocity at the inlet of the pipe is,the more obviously the layers are,and the recommended velocity is between 0.01 and 0.05 m/s,which can be obtained with a increasing coupling at the entrance of the pipe.The water supply pipe should be installed no lower than 2/3 times high of the tank,and in practical project,the location should be decided according to the supply water temperature. 【中文关键词】 太阳能采暖; 蓄热水箱; CFD; 温度分层 【英文关键词】 solar heating; heat storage tank; Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD); temperature stratification
关键词:太阳能采暖 蓄热水箱 CFD 温度分
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