全部作者:贺启滨 高乃平 朱彤
【中文摘要】 本文对采用基于CFD模型的气溶胶传输与沉降的研究进行了综述,详细介绍了适用于室内气溶胶传输与沉积模拟的数值方法,对比了采用欧拉法以及拉格朗日法的数学模型以及各学者对其进行的假设与修正。同时,给出了各个研究者采用上述模型进行室内气溶胶模拟的实例并对其进行讨论,得出了不同模拟方法研究气溶胶传输及沉降的优势以及存在的问题。 【英文摘要】 A brief review on the aerosol particle dispersion and deposition in enclosed environment using CFD method was carried.It compared the Eulerian and Lagrangian method used to simulate indoor aerosol transport in detail.The modifications of both models made by different researchers were also discussed.Then,some applications of using both models for predicting particle dispersion and deposition in enclosed environment cases were presented.At last,some conclusions on the pros and cons of the two simulation methods were given. 【中文关键词】 气溶胶; CFD; 模拟; 欧拉法; 拉格朗日法 【英文关键词】 aerosol particle; CFD simulation; Eulerian method; Lagrangian method
关键词:气溶胶 CFD 模拟 欧拉法 拉格朗
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