全部作者:昝拓荒 魏东杰
【摘要】 本文简述绿色建筑的基本含义、特性及环境问题。从主动式及被动式两方面介绍绿色建筑中暖通空调技术,并指出环保、节能的暖通空调技术对绿色建筑经济运行及用户工作效率的影响。 【Abstract】 In this text,our summarizes the green construction basic meaning,states it's characteristic and the environment.including the active type and the passive form,the warmly passed air conditioning technology in the green construction was introduced.It was points out that the air condition technology influence on the development of green construction economy and user working efficiency. 【关键词】 绿色建筑; 空调; 节能; 环保 【Key words】 Green constructs; Air conditioning; Energy conservation; Environmental protection
关键词:暖通空调论文 绿色建筑 空调 节
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