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上传时间:2010-08-18 浏览量:175
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全部作者:闻才. 李舒宏 张小 


摘 要: 根据GB21519-2008标准的相关规定,构造了一整套的环境维持系统,恒温水系统,以及数据采集系统,并对这一整套系统硬件的设计选型及实现功能进行了阐述。利用这套系统可以测得被测热水器的24h固有能耗系数和热水出水率相关原始数据,并根据国标的规定由程序计算出相应的结果,生成完善的测试报表并将数据保存至数据库。基于此测试平台对一台选定的热水器做了测试,并对得到的数据结果做了不确定度分析,表明24h固有能耗系数和出水率测试结果的误差分别是1.7%和2.1%。 关键词: GB21519-2008 系统构建 数据采集 固有能耗系数 出水率 测试报表 误差分析 Design and Application of Electric Water Heater Test-bed Wen Cai Li Shuhong Zhang Xiaosong Zhou Xiaolin School of Energy nbsp; Abstract :According to GB21519-2008,environment maintenance system , thermostatic water system and data acquisition system are integrated into one system.The design and the function of this syetem are introducted detailed. Through the system , we can get original data of temperature and flow which is used to calculate natural-energy coefficient and effluent rate by program. Then based on the information, the program generated perfect test report and stored all of the test information into access database. A selected electric water heater was test and the result data was analysed.The errors of natural-energy coefficient and effluent rate are respectively 1.7% and 2.1 %. Keywords : GB21519-2008;System construction; Data acquisition; Natural-energy coefficient; Effluent rate;Test report; Error analysis

关键词:GB21519-2008 系统构建 数据采集 

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闻才. 李舒宏 张小 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:GB21519-2008 系统构建 数据采集 


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