我要投稿论文 - 建筑节能


上传时间:2010-07-21 浏览量:48
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全部作者:王遵华 刘付林 潘玉勤 


【摘要】 随着人们节能意识的提高,以及分户计量、分室控制等节能技术的推广应用,住户可根据热舒适度要求的不同、作息时间不同,在使用中通过控制进出散热器的流量实现对室内温度的调节。按照变流量模式运行,进出散热器的流量随时在发生变化,此时散热器热工性能将随之发生变化,为明确其是否满足实验室按照GB/T1375492《采暖散热器散热量测定方法》测试所得出的计算公式,通过对新型铜管铝串片散热器不同工况条件下热工性能进行试验,研究变流量、变温差调节对散热器热工性能的影响。 【Abstract】 With the improvement of people's awareness of energy-saving and the popularization and application of such energy-efficient technologies as household metering,sub-room control and so on,users can achieve the indoor air temperature regulation in accordance with different requirements of thermal comfort and time table by changing the water flow into and out of the radiator. In variable water flow mode,the water flow into and out of the radiator varies from time to time,and at the same time the thermal performance of the radiator changes. And in this case,whether the variation law of heat dissipation with water flow satisfies with the formula derived from laboratory testing according to Test Method of Heat Dissipation of Heating Radiator(GB/T13754-92)or not,the writers made tests on the heat dissipation of a copper and aluminum radiator under different conditions and finally reached the influence law of water flow and temperature difference on the thermal performance of the radiator. 【关键词】 变流量; 变温差; 热工性能; 衰减 【Key words】 variable water flow; temperature difference; thermal performance; attenuation

关键词:变流量 变温差 热工性能 衰减 

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王遵华 刘付林 潘玉勤 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:变流量 变温差 热工性能 衰减 


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