全部作者:杨建敏 戴源德 冯立杰
【英文篇名】 Analysis of Water-Source Heat Pump System by a Project Sample 【下载频次】 ☆ 【作者】 杨建敏; 戴源德; 冯立杰; 【英文作者】 Yang Jianmin1 Dai Yuande1 Feng Lijie2 (1. Institute of Electrical and Mechanical; Nanchang University; Nanchang; 330031; 2. Jiangxi Nanda Heating Ventilation and Air-conditioning Engineering Co. Ltd; Jiangxi; 330096); 【作者单位】 南昌大学机电学院; 江西南大暖通空调工程有限公司; 【文献出处】 制冷与空调(四川) , Refrigeration nbsp; 期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊 【中文关键词】 水源热泵; 节能; 运行费用; 【英文关键词】 water -source heat pump; energy saving; operation cost; 【摘要】 阐述了水源热泵空调系统的工作原理和特点,然后利用工程实例,介绍了工程技术方案,包括取水系统、空调风系统和空调水系统、水处理系统的设计。最后通过对工程运行费用进行分析,可知水源热泵系统经济效益明显,水源热泵空调具有极高的推广价值。 【英文摘要】 Firstly,the principles and characteristics are expatiated on the water-source heat pump air-conditioning system. Then the technical scheme of a project example is introduced,which includes the design of water intake system,air-conditioning system,air-conditioning water system and water treatment system. The water-source heat pump air-conditioning system has obvious economic effect and extremely high extension value by analyzing the operation cost of the above project.
关键词:水源热泵 节能 运行费用
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