全部作者:陶洁 郑刘根
【英文篇名】 The effect of the difference of the concentration of R407C on the performance test of the compressor-flow counter method 【作者中文名】 陶洁; 郑刘根; 【作者英文名】 Tao Jie Zheng Liugen(Nan Jing colledge of chemical technology; Nanjing; 210048; 2.TICA; Air conditioner Specialist; Nangjing; 210028); 【作者单位】 南京化工职业技术学院; 南京天加空调设备有限公司; 【文献出处】 制冷与空调(四川), Refrigeration nbsp; 期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊 【关键词】 压缩机性能测试; R407C; 热物性; 【英文关键词】 performance test of the compressor; R407C; thermophysical properties; 【摘要】 对于混合工质R407C,在生产过程中其组分HFC32/HFC125/HFC134a浓度难以严格达到23%/25%/52%,并且由于试验装置的泄露,其组分的浓度也会有所偏差。针对上述问题,讨论了R407C各组分浓度误差小于5%时对压缩机性能实验流量计法的影响,从而提高测试结果的精度。 【英文摘要】 For R407C,the concentration of it's components,HFC32/HFC125/HFC134a,is not controlled to 23%/25%/52% strictly during the production.In addition,because of the leakage of test device,there is deviation in the component's concentration.According to these,discusses the impact of concentration error(5%) on the performance test of compressor-flow counter method,consequently improves the test precision. 【DOI】 CNKI:SUN:ZLKT.0.2008-04-029
关键词:压缩机性能测试 R407C 热物性
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