【摘要】 介绍了一种可实现过冷的单级压缩制冷系统新流程,通过对其详细计算和对比分析,指出新流程存在一最佳节能状态的极值点,并利用具体实现该状态的方法和途径提出了氟利昂冷库制冷系统节能改造方案。 【Abstract】 Introduced a new process which can achieve a cooling of the single-stage compression refrigeration system.Through making detailed calculations and comparative analysis,pointing out that the new process exist the extreme points of the best energy saving state,and use the methods and ways which can concretely achieve this state to arise freon refrigeration system energy-saving refrigerated program. 【关键词】 冷库; 节能改造; 分析 【Key words】 Cold storage; Energy saving; Analysis
关键词:冷库 节能改造 分析
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